phoneMiner Development History
- Upgraded to .NET framework v4.6
June, 2016 (ver 2.4.7)
- Added video support to Sony DBK backup files
- Added audio (mp3) support to Sony DBK backup files
May, 2016 (ver 2.4.2)
- Fixed issue where some Sony Z5 users were unable to be extract data from their backups
March, 2015 (ver 2.3.8)
- Certificate Update
January, 2015 (ver 2.3.71)
- Updated Sony backup locations
- Added text message database to Sony backups
- Fixed Windows file extension association
October, 2014 (ver 2.3.62)
- Added prev/next buttons to image viewer
June, 2014 (ver 2.3.51)
- Added support for new Sony text formatting
- Fix to anonymous statistics upload
June, 2014 (ver 2.3.48)
- Added better error logging
- Added (optional) anonymous statistics upload
May, 2014 (ver 2.3.31)
- Added support for new Sony backup formats
February, 2014 (ver 2.3.21)
- Code Signing Certificate Update
October, 2013 (ver 2.3.2)
- Added support for Sony Xperia devices (.DBK file extension)
- Import from multiple .VCF (vCard) files
March, 2013 (ver 2.2.1)
- Added Google Contacts Import/Export (plus version only)
October, 2012 (ver 2.1.3)
- Added support for Sony Ericsson phone backups (.DBK)
- Fixed issue when exporting iPhone calendar entries to .ICS (iCal)
September, 2012 (ver 2.0.2)
- Added support for all models of iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch
- Added reminder to check for updates every 30 days
- Added iCal format to export options for calendar database
August, 2012 (ver 1.7.3)
- Fixed issue where error screen would appear behind other windows
- Stopped empty backup files being send for analysis
July, 2012 (ver 1.7.0)
- Added support for Password Keeper database
- Date/Time now displayed on Email messages
June, 2012 (ver 1.6.8)
- Added support for viewing HTML emails
- Added phoneMiner icon to installed applications listing
- Added feedback form when exiting phoneMiner (trial mode only)
May, 2012 (ver 1.6.7)
- Fixed problem with certain BlackBerry Bold backups
April, 2012 (ver 1.6.5)
- Reduced file size of phoneMiner install
- Changed initial sorting order of databases to date/time
- Various changes to database names due to user-feedback
- Various changes to column headings due to user-feedback
- If lite version, plus version export options are displayed but ghosted
March, 2012 (ver 1.6)
- Added support for BlackBerry Backup Format V2.0.0
- Added upgrade option to lite
- Fixed VCF export issue
- Fixed XLS/XLSX export issue
- Fixed issue with changing encoding
January, 2012 (ver 1.5.4)
- New functionality for supporting multilingual backups
- Fixed issue with exporting emails
- Fixed issue with row selection
December, 2011 (ver 1.5)
- phoneMiner lite and plus launched
- Added ‘Print’ functionality
- Added support for Memos, Tasks and Call-log databases (plus version only)
- Added additional export options (plus version only)
- New phoneMiner logo
- Fixed issue with splash screen on low-resolutions
August, 2011 (ver 1.0)
- phoneMiner launches
- Trial version fixed to show the correct number of rows
- Added trial limitation info to splash screen
July, 2011
- phoneMiner digitally signed
- Added ability to decrypt and export encrypted IPD/BBB files
- Fixed bug where unsupported files were not sent
- Added ability to export to .PDF format
June, 2011
- Added support for .bbb files (Apple Mac)
- Fixed ‘BlackBerry Torch’ address-book bug
- Unsupported files now sent encrypted
- Added ability to export to .XML format
- Added ability to export to .HTML format
- Fixed .CSV export display bug
May, 2011
- Added evaluation functionality
- New user-friendly icons
- Added ability to send unsupported files for analysis
- Added ability to export to .CSV format
April, 2011
- Added support for .IPD (PC) files
- Various user-interface bugs fixed
March, 2011
- Development of phoneMiner begins